marina dubia &&&

there's, like, a whole newsletter:

summer.2024 Betraying Gestures editions #21-40

and I also wrote this:

07.2023 What have I got to do with it? 2023
06.2023 Ladder Letter, 2023
01.2023 Chapel Session Letter, 2023
05.2022 M100 Letter, 2022
12.2021 Transition Exhibition Letter, 2021

and translated this:

[ooops, coming soon]

published by cool people:

09.2023 I Do Art The Voice of My Own Echo pt.1
09.2023 I Do Art The Voice of My Own Echo pt.2
08.2022 Tanecni Aktuality Heart Connection - a letter to Maria Nurmela
05.2022 Enhanced Practice Dossier Notes for an enhanced vitality; May 2022
05.2021 Do It (home) Private Aesthetics #1_ Glacier
07.2020 PEGADA (Publicação PACAP 4) Time Travel p. 15

oh, and you can even buy stuff:

08.2023 Hverdag Books E Eu Com Isso? - What have I got to do with that?

pssst. if you speak portuguese, check out more here.